Investing in Our Future: Tools for Homeownership and Development (A Financial Literacy Workshop for Womxn of Color)

SDL is excited to collaborate with IMPACCT Brooklyn to bring a financial literacy workshop catered to women of color. 

Over and over again we hear about the disparity in pay for womxn of color. The rates are alarming and we understand that as womxn of color the path to financial stability is stacked against us and we have historically been exploited for our labor and excluded from fully participating in the job market with fair wages and benefits. This translates into low rates in homeownership and women having to retire at a later age to make ends meet. This workshop aims to give us tools that we can use daily in achieving healthy financial habits and tools that can assist in preparing for retirement and homeownership  ||#SisterDiaspora #aLoveEthic

Topics discussed will include:


-Roth Accounts

-Beginner Investing Tips

  • “8.6 million American households are headed by single mothers, while only 2.6 million are headed by single fathers. Similarly, women are significantly more likely to be the sole caretaker for an elderly parent or another adult. These uneven caregiving responsibilities prevent women from equally investing their time and financial resources into homeownership.”
  • “Due to factors like the gender pay gap, women tend to have higher debt-to-income ratios and worse credit profiles. Since typical lenders do not consider any offsetting factors, single women are consistently denied mortgages at higher rates than single men, even though women are more reliable when it comes to paying their mortgages.”
  • “When single women are awarded mortgages, they face significantly higher interest rates than single men because of their weaker credit profiles and are more likely to be given a subprime loan.”

Source: Habitat for Humanity

  • “In 2016, women earned about 80% of what men earn—and experts forecast that it won’t be until 2059 that we can expect that gap to close. And if most Americans are behind in saving for retirement, women’s lower lifetime earnings mean they’re likely falling into the bottom rung of the ill-prepared.”

Source: Forbes

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