We are still full of love and gratitude for this amazing event. The energy in the room was palpable. It revitalized our commitment to our communities and the efforts to create spaces for us and by us. Thank you Creators of Women Warriors of the Afro-Latina Diaspora: Dr. Marta Moreno Vega, Marinieves Alba, and Yvette Mondestin for answering our call to share your wonderful selves with us. Also, a special thanks to the Carribean Cultural Center African Diaspora Institute for sharing space with us.
“You cant be free if you’re broken, its important to integrate healing and spirituality in our work.” Marineves Alba
“We’re still becoming, Africans are just as colonized as Africans in the Diaspora.” Dr. Marta Morena Vega
“It was colored water fountains, it was segregation, Jim Crow did take place in Panama.” Yvette Mondestin
#LatinxHeritageMonth #aLoveEthic #SisterDiasopra #SDLReading Circle.