On 6/23/19 SDL Birth Support united with Carmen Mojica, Certified Professional Midwife (These Waters Run Deep) to host “Reproductive Wellness,” a workshop that encouraged participants to take a deeper dive into womb healing. Carmen thoughtfully and thoroughly examined the historical context of reproductive health, providing an extensive overview of the female reproductive system, and proposing nutritional recommendations for optimal wellness and fertility. Participants were invited to compassionately and openly reframe the way they have been thought to think about their health histories – directly challenging the history of colonization of wombs of color. It was a truly empowering and informative event!
For more information, please check out the following books as resources:
- Killing the Black Body by Dorothy Roberts
- Women’s Bodies Women’s Wisdom by Christine Northrup
- Beyond the Pill by Jolene Brighten
- WomanCode by Alisa Vitti